November 22, 2008

  • 16 Random Things

    I did this on FB and thought I would add it here for others to see. I’m not going to tag here, but if you want to do it let me know so I can read yours too!

    Rules: Once you’ve been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 16 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 16 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it’s because I want to know more about you.

    1) I go to bed every night with a glass of water and two dog biscuits. The water is for me and the biscuits are to reward my dachsies for obediently going into their crate/bed for the night. It does look odd as I walk to my bedroom with both in hand though.

    2) When I was nine I told my Mother that I needed to go to a Christian college because I was going to marry me a Minister. Later, I found my Minister Hubby at a State University that also had no religious studies at the time. Who knew?

    3) The first person ever in my life to allow me to paint a room purple, my favorite color, was my Mother-In-Love. After fourteen years of marriage the room at her house is still purple. I love it!

    4) I used to trade with my peers my sugary snacks (brownies, cookies, and the like) for the spinach served at hot lunch in public school. Some things will never change!

    5) I hope to always look for opportunities to make a difference in someone’s life no matter how insignificant the action may seem at that time. It was one man, that I highly respected, who handed me an envelope with information inside on a specific adoption agency. Nine months later I traveled to Ukraine to become the Mother of my two handsome boys. Five years later I went back to also become the Mother to two beautiful twin girls. The man who gave me the envelope was never able to see any of my children, as he passed away before they came home. You just never know how far your influence will go even though you may never see the fruit of it.

    6) I prefer to drive a standard vehicle to an automatic.

    7) In my lifetime I am more likely to see more sunsets than sunrises. Hoot! Hoot!

    8) I went to deaf camp when I was twelve to continue learning my ASL skills. While at camp I told my friend from Puerto Rico, who was hard of hearing and only spoke Spanish, that I was going on the cowboy cookout to eat horses. Oops! I meant we would be riding horses out to the cowboy cookout. The look in his face alone made me realize I had a LOT more practicing to do!

    9) I have been known to eat an entire jar of hot peppers for a late night snack.

    10) My goal someday is to support and see my husband work towards and receive his PH.D

    11) I have a fifth, extra wisdom tooth in which I have always been told will make me wiser than others. I’m still waiting for the wiser part to come true.

    12) I dream of turning my journals of infertility and adoption experiences into a book or teaching for womens conferences.

    13) While camping I can make a pretty amazing omelet with a plastic baggy and pot of boiling water.

    14) I am a Mayflower descendant by three bloodlines – William Brewster, John Alden and Priscilla Mullins. These generational lines also means I’m related to former Presidents John Adams and John Quincy Adams.

    15) My favorite books and movies are always about Missionaries or people who show great character of forgiveness, sacrifice and perseverance such as in The Hiding Place and Chasing the Dragon.

    16) I will never give up trying to make a difference in the life of a child who would otherwise never have had a family to call his/her own.

November 17, 2008

  • Preparing For Winter -Stacking Wood!

    In the spirit of how our family loves to have fun while working below is a picture blog of the day we conquered our wood pile. We did this also in October, but I was still grieving the loss of our adoption so never got our pictures on the blog. Better late than never! =)

    The task begins…

    If only we could have gotten the wood pile dumped closer to the bulk head.

    Running back for more!

    Even the little helpers are BIG helpers!

    One running back for more and one with an arm full.

    Going down!

    Being helpful to each other is always a good thing!

    Such joyful, big helpers!

    We are conquering the pile!

    Still working hard and smiling wide!

    Chloe liked being Papa’s helper by handing him the logs on the floor to be stacked up high.

    One wall of wood almost completed!

    This was their attempt to pose and act pathetically tired for Mama.

    Even little Princesses are God’s servants!

    Interesting approach…holding one log behind the back and the other by the side.

    I love the Fall colors behind Jared as he brings his arm full of wood down.

    Look at all that wood we have stacked with such big helpers!!

    Mama and Papa even get in a picture. Thank you, Jared!

    Chloe wanted a picture “with the parents.” Yes, that is exactly what she told Jared. So cute!

    One tough Gal! One big wall of wood!


    Caleb found a treasure! He was convinced this log looked like the head of a dinosaur. Of course!

    Don’t mess with that log!


    Whew! Getting tired, but almost done!

    Papa rallies the troops back up to work.

    Last four logs!

    We did it!!! Two walls of wood stacked so we can school all winter by a warm fire.  Family working joyfully together is such a blessing!

    Jared enjoying the fruit of our labor. He was reading his independent reading assignment for school on a cold morning.

November 16, 2008

  • First Snowfall/Happy Gotcha Day!

    I know I’m late on this, but the boys will want it on our blog none-the-less. Oct. 29th was their celebration of when they officially became our sons. Seeing that November is National Adoption Month it really isn’t too late. The boys were thrilled to have our first snow fall on their Happy Gotcha Day! Below you can view the birds coming to our feeder while it’s snowing via video. Forgive the Roy Rogers serenade in the background. lol

    Forget how the snow feels! How does it taste?! Boys will be boys! lol

    Their Happy Gotcha meal. The boys picked kielbasa, beats, turnip and mash potatoes. I suppose that is pretty close to what we could find in Ukraine! =)

November 6, 2008

  • Squirrelly Day

    Um, little creature…. what do you think you are doing on the bird feeder?

    Yes, you! We caught you red handed and I have the picture to prove it. Oh, please don’t look at me with those cute little eyes, button nose and tiny little ears listening to my children’s excitement of watching one of God’s little creatures!

    Okay, fine. Your cuteness has won me over and you may continue on with your feast. Besides, the children’s giggles while watching you is worth another bag of bird seed.

October 25, 2008

  • A Year Later…. Happy Birthday Mariah!

     My Mom has survived three Cranial Surgeries (first to remove tumor and two more surgeries after due to complications) and my Niece Mariah is a flourishing, beautiful one year old after being born premature. 

    My sister was flown to Boston last year and had to stay
    in the cardiac ICU while docs contemplated on whether they would have
    to take the baby or not. Weeks later my sister was stable enough to be
    brought to a hospital more local to family and was put on
    bedrest to keep baby in for as long as possible. She gave birth to my
    niece weighing only 4lbs. As you can also see my sister has made full recovery too!

    Today is Mariah’s birthday! =) She had a big, pink and purple princess cake, but this one in the pic was for her to eat all by herself.


    Oldest cousin and youngest cousin sharing some snuggles.

    The two preemies in the family. You would never know by how big Caleb is today that he was born premature a whole month more than Mariah and he only weighed 3lbs. Not to mention he survived orphange life as a preemie! God is good! I am confident Mariah is going to continue blossoming too! Just look at that beautiful smile of joy!! Caleb actually requested this particular photo to be on our blog because “the baby was so happy!”

    Hi Baby. Phoebe was much more quiet and serious with her little cousin. Phoebe has this gentle, nurturing nature about her.

    Chloe tried to get her baby cousin to laugh with a duck puppet.

    What do you do with all those new birthday toys? PLAY with cousins!! =)

    I had to share this one pic because it was so funny when Mariah got face to face with her new dolly her Mommy gave her. It was like… Whoa! This baby doll is as big as me. Not sure about that!

    It looks like she is starting to cry here, but she truly wasn’t! Instead she started to “talk” as if to say, Hey, I’m still Queen around here! Got it?!


    A year later…. We continue to give thanks to our Heavenly Father for the lives of my Mom, my Sister and my Niece!

    (sorry for some of the pics being a little washed out. I’m too tired after the days events to fix ‘em. Maybe later… )

October 21, 2008

  • Apple Orchard

    Saturday, Oct. 11th we went to the Orchard while it was still relatively warm. For those of you not in the Northeast that would mean low 60′s.

    Hay ride up the hill first!

    Eric and Jared (aka Eric Jr.)

    “Hey, Mama! Can we put some of these apples in our bags?!”

    This orchard always reminds me of a scene in a movie. On the property the migrant workers live in a large rustic, New England looking red barn. Well, it’s not actually a barn inside, but they have kept the outside looking very nostalgic for sure. At sun down you can see the migrant workers walking down the hill all together after picking these large square crates full of apples all day.

    Chloe reaching up high with her “I can do it!” confident spirit.

    Every time we go apple picking both girls have this thing of wanting to show me every single apple they pick. It’s so cute to see how proud they are of such a simple thing in life!

    Phoebe, once again, gives me another pic that portrays, Apple of my eye. Look how her hands just show how much she cherishes that red gem of hers!

    Jared is a pro at this by now, of course!

    Caleb can pose without ever losing a hold of that perfect apple!

    The wobbly camera bag took this family picture for us. Not bad!

    What is Papa up to?!

    We tried to go for Ten Apples On Top like Dr. Suess. I’m impressed that Jared was able to balance two and eat a third apple at the same time.

    Look how talented we are! We can take a family pic all by ourselves and balance an apple on our heads at the same time.

    Papa was playing helping Phoebe get an apple as she reaches waaaay up high. He had a little too much fun here with both girls. Chloe immediately with all confidence said she could do it, not catching onto what Papa was actually doing by pulling the branch up just before they caught the apple in their hand. lol

    On the top of the lookout identifying all the Mountain ranges. Pretty neat!

    Sun is going down. Time to climb back on hay for a ride down the hill.

    Caleb is our apple eater. He eats about two to three apples a day ALL year long. I think he ate five while we were picking. As you see here he was tempted to eat more from his bag on the way back to farm stand.

October 13, 2008

  • Corn Maze Favorites

    Looking from the corn field back over to the farm that creates the maze every Autumn

    Chloe showing a letter she found in the maze to help us find the secret message to a hidden treasure.

    Jared on one of the look-outs in the middle of the maze.

    The look-outs are HIGH up!

    That is some TALL corn!

    Which way do we go?!

    THAT way!

    Watch out for the fallen cornstalk!

    Chloe and Mama find the hidden number on the second look-out that allows to enter a drawing for a free gift certificate to a restaurant.

    We all took turns hiding in the corn. Mama hid first and then Papa quickly joined her, of course .

    Who’s that peeking out at me?! Phoebe!

    The absolute scariest part in the whole maze!! We met up with a dinosaur named, Caleb!

    We finished!! It took us about an hour to conquer the corn maze.

August 27, 2008

  • Temporary Leave of Absence

    I won’t be posting much for awhile. We have begun our busy days of home schooling starting up again full swing. This year we have a fourth grader, third grader and two in kindergarten! FUN!!! For curious minds we are doing Sonlight Core 3, US History emphasis, with our boys and Core K with our girls. Everyone has their separate math and so on, of course!

    We are also getting ready for our travel adventure for our adoption in September. We will be making an across country road trip in order to bring the whole family along. The last couple of days have been for preparing the house before we leave for a new baby to arrive home to. Lots to do for sure! Of course, there is always the abundance of paperwork and to do list relating to the adoption as well. We are plodding along well and hope to be on our way for our trip soon. Once we get to our destination and we wait for the baby to be born we plan on making great use of the experience for educational purposes by visiting lots of places we have never seen before. Everyone is beyond excited!!

    Pray with us for a safe trip, healthy baby and for all the legal work to go through well.

    Will update on our family when things settle down and we have someone special to announce!

August 12, 2008

  • Just a little rain…

    In honor of my brother-in-law teasing us that we are being “scared off by a little rain” I thought I would show you our flooded vacation. (the pics are awful due to it being at dusk and rainy, but you will get the idea)

    The road going into the family camping property. Just a little rain!

    Standing on the hilly part of the property where our camper usually goes. All of this is typically grass . See the porta potty? It was floating all, but one corner.

    Um, what are we going to do with this before it goes floating into the main part of the lake? It was leaning forward enough that the spring action door was held open.

    Hmm…. open it up and let’s see what’s inside. Just a little rain! No I don’t love the porta potty that much to pose like that. I was actually holding it still while it floated.

    See the little patch of grass to the right? That is typically uphill where we put our camper. The rest should not be under water!

    Here is all that is left of the family property. The porta potty people said we needed to get the potty to higher ground, but seeing that this was all that was left to the property with more rain coming in all week we…..

    …took a hold of it and floated it down the road for the porta potty company to come pick it up.  No camping vacation this year. At least the porta potty company was kind enough to not charge us this year for the rental of the potty.

    After we did the potty job (does this count Kimmy for getting closer as a family? lol) we carried the kids into the property so they could see it for themselves and understand why we were not camping this year. It wasn’t pitch black out like it shows here…that was just the flash.

    Caleb giggled the entire way in because of how high the water was. I wish I had his laughter on video!

    Here they are on higher ground looking over the water just beneath them. We said goodnight and went back home after our deed was done. Time to make other plans now for some family fun.

    If you are curious enough you can go back earlier in my blog and see pics of us camping on the family property for comparison.

August 2, 2008

  • Baby Thoughts and Soulfest

    I’m super duper busy with Soulfest, but let me tell not a moment goes by that I’m not thinking BABY! Thank you so much for all the congrats! I feel so blessed to have so many excited with me. I have to be honest that last night I got a bit worrisome. Not sure why, but there was just this gut feeling that something was not right. I called the agency late in the evening just to talk. I found out everything is fine adoption wise, but birthmom could use some prayer. So. Knowing you are all prayer warriors out there could you please lift this young lady up today to the Lord? I am sorry I cannot give you her name, but the Lord knows, right?

    Here are Soulfest pics so far…

    Soulfest Setting Up!
    Soulfest Day One
    Soulfest Day Two

    I hope to have days three and four up after tonight. If the weather holds up I’m hoping to get more on foot out of the booth to get actual pics of the event. Today is supposed to be the biggest attendance.

    In the meantime… I am looking for housing in the state we will be traveling to for the birth and adoption. I am also wondering what in the world am I going to need? I have never had a newborn before! Thankfully, we are not going overseas so no matter what I may need I will be able to find it easily.

    So far I’m thinking I need to travel with…

    Play N Pack (that has the bassinet aspect of it) Have one of those!
    Stroller w/infant car seat (still need to get this as I only have double strollers)
    bottles (any suggestions? I’m getting rid of my avent ones because of the BPA in the plastic)
    diaper bag with all the little infant essentials
    my all time favorite Hug-A-Bub wrap!

    What else would I need for about a two week out of state time with a newborn?